Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Happenings in Jul

Yup, the 2 birthday gurlies chose to throw a 60's theme bdae party with the youth group. And what more, we all get to shop at St Vinnes (aka Salvation Army) and wear grandma's clothes! It was good fun though. =)

Before I neglect my bloggy again, let me put up some pics about what we had been up to for this month...........

My cute hubby with his all too tight shirt and jeans.

The kids had lots of fun dancing (sixties style *cringe* =P) to lots of 60's music throught the night.

As usual, Beck came as a hippie.....

On another occasion,

We had tea at Becky and Justin's place (the newlyweds) one Sat and we had so much fun making DIY sushi and catching up with each other.

Lydia Coleborne made a real yum strabwerry mousse for Tashy (and the adults, a port flavoured chocolate mousse) which definitely was the highlight of the evening for her (as u can see here).

More pics to come when I get back from work tonight. =) Ciaoz...


Anonymous said...

weier, you must start finding tashy bad tasting food! hahaha n trained her up.. otherwise wen she grows up she'd be spoilt to only eat DA BEST food :PP jema

Wei said...

hahhah.....i think maybe i just don't post the bad tasting food that i give her when i don't feel like posting on my blog. =) how u gg by the way?