Thursday, July 09, 2009

If only money fall from the sky......

I am officially exhausted and sick of working. I have worked a total of 14 hours for the past two days and there is still 6 hours more to go tomorrow!!!! And I have spend 13 of those hours on my feet running around serving and washing up in the kitchen. I have no idea how you guys out there can work 5 days straight and still be able to go back for more after 2 rest days. Now I see why God had planned my life in such a way that there really is no need for me to work full time. Oh Lord, may positive thoughts stay and tide me over for another day of work......


How many sides of me? said...

Been away from the work force for too long tend to be like this my dear :) plus the fact that you are working in food service line, it just doesn't make it seem any less tension!

beckyy huang said...

jiayou dear! i know the feeling of working..we all do! ha

weiz said...

Agree totally with Beckyy!

Suffering from Monday blueeees....

Wei said...

thanks gurlies for understanding! i shouldn't really complain actually since i'm just a casual that work only about max 20 hours per week.

weiz said...

Whether 20 hours a week or 40, it's still perfectly understandable why you would feel that way. And it doesn't matter whether one is a fresh grad who just started out in the working world, or a veteran who's about to retire, I think all suffer from Monday Blues!

Btw, congrats ;) *big hug* Will you be back in SG for it or Aus this time?

Ada said...
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Ada said...
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Ada said...

:) ... decided to send you an email instead of writing it on here... :P