Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Tashy loved playing with the red dirt and was often covered in red dust by the end of the day.

It's about time that I blog sth about our trip up to St George with Pete, shouldn't I? Been a bit slack since we got back (what's new?)and also been away out camping the following week after we came back.

As part of our gift of appreciation, I made them (clockwise order) a fudgy chocolate log, passionfruit ricotta cheesecake and lemon truffles. I was relived to find out that Jake has got a sweet tooth and enjoyed these immersely. Amongst all these, I think the passionfruit cheesecake is the best. 'Cos Josh who usually dislike rich cheesecakes actually went back for seconds and thirds for this. Must be saying something abt this isn't it? =P

It was such a unique and completely different lifestyle outback. Its simply a pleasure to kick back a notch in life and just enjoy the sun and smell the flowers (if u don't choke on the multitude of red dust in the first place). We were staying at a cattle farm owned by Pete's cousin-in-law and cousin and their small family of 3 kids. They were such accomodating people who were generous with their time down to their house. Anything to make us feel right at home.

Pete teaching Josh how to use a rifle

Josh helping the kids to crack some macadamia nuts

Being on a cattle farm, we had beef (mind u, their own fresh organic, self butchered beef) for most of our meals besides for brekkie. Though I have never been a big fan of meat, especially red meat, I have to say that the beef that we had was absolutely sensational. My favorite meal there had to be the corned meat served with white sauce and roasted veggies on the side. Unlike the commercial preservative laden corned meat, this was preserved by just soaking in brine by their personal butcher.

The best meal ever: Corned meat with white sauce and roasted veggies. Yum! The meat was so tender that it just simply melt in your mouth. How I wish I have rice to go with it then. (yes yes, i'm such an asian....)

Pot Roast served with gravy and roasted veggies which was pretty tasty too.

We had grilled steaks and snags (aussie slang for sausages) one night and Pete and Josh got the largest slabs! It can barely fit into their plates! Josh had his done rare and my, the steak was so tender and juicy! And I gotta admit that that is how steak should be eaten.

Aside from the food, Pete's cousin in law, Jack, took the time to drive us around the property(which was huge!!) and gave the guys the privilege to shot some *roos (aussie slang for kangeroos) by taking them out spotlighting at night. Anyways these are just a few of the many stuff we did out at St George. Being my usual lazy self, I would just let the pics do the talking.

The guys helped Jack to master (round the sheep up to be sold) some sheep during our stay.

There were red dust and flies everywhere! And its not even summer yet. I dare not imagine the swarm of flies that hangs around the farms in the hot weather.

We explored part of the property on foot on the Lord's day.

Stopping to have some refreshign homemade yogurt on our way home.................


beckyy huang said...

eh i wish i cld be there!! minus heat and flies tho..haha

Wei said...

me too! =P